Home Modification

The last thing you want to worry about while learning to adapt to life with a spinal cord injury is not being able to access different parts of your home. Bathrooms with narrow entryways and kitchens with counters that are too high can be incredibly frustrating to navigate when you return home. Making your home wheelchair accessible is essential to living a full, independent life with a spinal cord injury. Common home modifications for people with spinal cord injuries are constructing ramps that lead into a home, widening bathroom entryways to accommodate the width of a wheelchair, and lowering kitchen counters and cabinets.

Making your home accessible through home modifications is key to meeting your functional, everyday needs. With home modifications, you can adapt to life with a spinal cord injury with more ease. You will want to initiate the construction of home modifications as soon as possible to limit the amount of time you spend in a wheelchair-inaccessible home.

Home Modification Resources

The types of home modifications you need will depend on your level of injury. For example, certain home modifications may be helpful for someone with paraplegia, but not for someone with quadriplegia. Fortunately, there are many online resources for people with every level of spinal cord injury. Below are links to websites that offer home modifications and equipment for people all across the nation.

Accessible Home Design

Paralyzed Veterans of America: https://www.pva.org/research-resources/accessible-design/


Guldmann Ramp: https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-guldmann-wide-plain-ramp.html

Barrier-Free Access Systems Ramps: http://www.barrierfreedoorautomation.com/


Automatic Door Openers: www.barrierfreedoorautomation.com

Roll in Showers

Aquatic Bath Roll-In Showers: http://aquaticbath.com/bath-products/accessible/60-showers/

Barrier Free Architecturals: https://www.barrierfree.org/ada-showers/ada-roll-in-showers

Bathroom Equipment

Transfer Shower Chairs: https://www.integritycustomconcepts.com/bath-shower-access/

Self-Propelled Shower Chair: https://www.nuprodx.com/product/mc4020rx/

Allegro Medical Bathroom Accessories: www.allegromedical.com/bathroom-assists-c517.html

Spinlife Bathroom Safety Products: https://www.spinlife.com/category.cfm?categoryID=111

Tub Slider Systems: https://www.nuprodx.com/products/?fwp_product_category=tub-slider-systems

Portable Tub Slider: https://goesanywhere.com/collections/portable-commode-shower-chairs-tub-slider-chair/products/go-anywhere-stationary-tub-slider-sts-portable-tub-slider

Shower Buddy Chairs: http://www.myshowerbuddy.com/

Grab Bars: https://www.wingits.com/products/type/grab_bars


Kitchen Design: https://pva-cdnendpoint.azureedge.net/prod/libraries/media/pva/library/pdfs/accessible-home-design-chapter-4.pdf


Barrier Free Lifts: www.barrierfreelifts.com


Ability 360: https://ability360.org/home-modifications/

Look on your state’s Department of Economic Security website to see if they have a program to help you with home modifications and other disability expenses.

Contact Us with Questions

At The Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm, we are committed to fighting for justice for people who have sustained a spinal cord injury. However, we live life with spinal cord injuries too and love the opportunity to provide mentoring and resources for individuals and their families following a spinal cord injury. Please contact us today at 1-877-SCI-FIRM or kelley@spinalcordinjurylawyers.com to discuss how we can help you find home modification resources in your area.

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