What Do I Do if My Child Experiences a Catastrophic Injury?


Written by Mackenzie Saunders:

A catastrophic injury is every parent’s worst nightmare. Parents only want the best for their child, which is why it can be heartbreaking to see your child in pain and to see your child’s life turn completely upside down after sustaining a serious injury. Many parents feel hopeless after their child experiences an injury such as a spinal cord injury (SCI) or a traumatic brain injury (TBI), because a catastrophic injury can last a lifetime.

Fortunately, there are many steps that parents can take after their child experiences a catastrophic injury. These steps can minimize harm to your child, as well as set your child up for a safe, healthy, and financially secure future. Read below to learn what you should do if your child sustains a catastrophic injury.

First, seek the best medical care as soon as possible

The first thing you should do after your child sustains a catastrophic injury is seek the best medical care as soon as possible. Waiting to seek medical care will only make the serious injury worse. Go to a hospital near you immediately to begin your child’s initial medical care. Depending on your child’s type and severity of injury, your child may need months of inpatient rehabilitation to help with recovery. If your child has sustained a SCI or TBI, they will most likely need months of inpatient rehabilitation.

There are many rehabilitation facilities in the United States made specifically for people with spinal cord injuries; the same goes for people with traumatic brain injuries. If possible, you should bring your child to a top-rated rehabilitation facility that has vast experience with your child’s type of injury. Check out the top-rated spinal cord injury rehabilitation centers here. Your child deserves the best healthcare possible during this difficult time.

Second, seek help from an experienced personal injury attorney

Parents want the best medical care for their child. Unfortunately, medical care can be very expensive, especially for a lifelong injury like SCI and TBI. Many parents worry about how they can pay for months of inpatient medical care for their injured child.

Fortunately, a successful personal injury lawsuit can award your family the compensation needed to cover your child’s past, present, and future medical costs. A successful personal injury lawsuit can also compensate your family for any lost wages associated with the injury, as well as the pain and suffering that the injury has caused. After seeking the proper medical care, you should seek help from an experienced personal injury attorney so you can file your lawsuit.

Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney can maximize your chances of receiving the compensation your family needs and deserves. Through a lawsuit, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you win an amount of money that will help you take care of your child for the years to come. Your attorney will first investigate your case and collect any needed evidence pertaining to your child’s injury. Your attorney will then develop a strong case for your child’s personal injury lawsuit, and will file all the necessary paperwork during the legal process. Next, your attorney will communicate with the parties at fault to either negotiate a settlement or decide to go to trial. Whether your child’s case goes to settlement or trial, your lawyer will help see your lawsuit through and recover the compensation your family deserves.

Successful catastrophic injury lawsuits are worth upwards of millions of dollars. However, you only have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit. Most states have a limit of two years after the date of injury for someone to file a personal injury lawsuit; this means that many Americans only have two years after an injury to file their case. Other states have limits of 3 years, 4 years, and even only 1 year. Finding an experienced lawyer as soon as possible is critical when it comes to recovering the compensation your family needs.

Third, cooperate with your legal team, ask questions, and stay patient

After your child’s personal injury lawsuit is filed, it may take some time for the lawsuit to reach settlement or trial. During this time, your legal team may need additional information from you while they are building a strong argument for your child’s case. Make sure to cooperate with your legal team by answering all questions they have and providing them with all relevant documents when asked.

Your legal team can also serve as a resource to your family as you begin to navigate life with your child’s catastrophic injury. An experienced personal injury lawyer should know where you can go for medical care, general guidance, and support. Ask your lawyer questions about your child’s recovery and any support networks your family can join, because your personal injury lawyer likely knows a lot about the personal injury community. They are here to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

The personal injury lawsuit process can last over a year, so remember to stay patient. Patience is key during this difficult time.

There is nothing worse than seeing your child experience a catastrophic injury. Luckily, there are many steps you can take to support your child as best you can. First, seek the best medical care as soon as possible. Then, find an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you file a lawsuit. Lastly, remember to cooperate with your legal team, ask them any questions you have, and stay patient.

We know how difficult catastrophic injuries can be, and we are here to help you and your family fight for justice and receive the compensation you need and deserve. If your child has sustained a catastrophic injury, contact The Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm today. We have vast experience in many different types of personal injury, such as SCI and TBI, and we are committed to helping your family as best we can. Contact us at 1-877-SCI-FIRM or info@spinalcordinjurylawyers.com for a free legal consultation.