How a Settlement Can Help Someone With a Spinal Cord Injury


Many times after a spinal cord injury people seek to file a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit can be a lengthy process and it can sometimes take years to see any financial compensation come your way. This is why many people seek to settle their lawsuit instead, which bypasses the trial, with the defendant typically giving the plaintiff a decent size amount of money instead. This money, the settlement, is agreed upon by both parties.

Settling has many benefits for the person with paralysis. Waiting for years for money you need can put people with health conditions further in debt, and it can prevent people from getting the care and medical equipment they need. It can even prevent someone from returning home in a timely manner. Here are six reasons why settling a lawsuit is a good idea for someone with a spinal cord injury.

You Get Money Right Away

There is a night and day difference between settling a lawsuit and taking a lawsuit to trial.  If you decide to go to trial, there is a chance it could take years for your trial to conclude and for you to see any money. This is because trials take much longer than people realize.  Some spinal cord injury cases that go to trial can take 2-3 years and the chances of a case being dismissed can also happen. In addition, the other side can appeal the verdict, which can extend the wait for financial compensation. In addition, certain people who you are suing, such as government officials, can claim immunity. Even if you do win your case, the defendant may file for bankruptcy, which leaves you with no money.

You No Longer Need to Put Time Into Trial Prep

Meeting with your lawyer, whether in person or over the phone, as well as their paralegals, secretaries, witnesses or anyone else affiliated with your case, can take time out of your schedule in a major way. This can be very problematic in the first couple of years after an injury, as physical therapy is critical to long-term success. Because of this, settling a lawsuit can make sense simply because of time constraints.

Taking the Stand Can be Traumatic

If your case does go to trial, you will likely have to share your story and exactly how your injury occurred with the entire court. Before the trial begins, you’ll also need to rehash how your injury occurred with other court officials and lawyers. For many people, this can be traumatic and detrimental to their healing process. Having to go over graphic details of a spinal cord injury can be one of the most difficult things for anyone to experience. If you lose your case, you’ll have experienced an exorbitant amount of pain without any reward. This is why you must choose wisely whether going to trial is worth it in regards to the trauma it may impose on you.

You Can Begin to Move On

Being able to move on after spinal cord injury is incredibly healing and will enable you to find happiness again after your spinal cord injury. Not only is this helpful for you, it is helpful for your family and friends. If you decide to take your lawsuit to trial, it is more difficult to find closure, as you will be constantly rehashing your injury and the details of that day.

dollars with with the word settlement on top

Privacy and Payment Plans Possible

If you settle, you’ll be able to keep the terms of your settlement private. For many people, keeping their case private is incredibly important, especially the details of the money or the terms of the settlement. In addition, if the defendant cannot pay all the money at once, you can set up a payment plan with the defendant, which ensures you’ll be getting money. Lastly, settling allows you to set up other terms other than financial compensation.

You Can Reduce Overall Stress

Bringing your case to trial requires huge research and evidence in order to win. This can be a stressful endeavour especially if the case isn’t an open and shut case. Often, you or your lawyer will have to work hard to obtain witness statements or medical bills. Working on all of this can cause massive amounts of stress, which is one of the last things someone needs when healing from a spinal cord injury.

Don’t let settling a lawsuit make you feel like you’re giving up. If anything, having the other side agree on settling gives you more credence, as they can see it would have likely ended up in your favor. Simply stated, it helps you feel validated. Remember this if you decide to settle.

Let Us Help You!

Having a spinal cord injury lawyer working for you can help alleviate any despair you may be feeling due to the financial stresses of your injury. SCI lawyers can give substantial hope to many people after a spinal cord injury. The Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm has vast experience with building strong cases for those who have experienced personal injuries. If you or anyone you know have experienced a personal injury and are looking to pursue a personal injury lawsuit, contact us today at or 1-877-SCI-FIRM for a free legal consultation. We know personal injury, and we will fight for you to receive the justice and compensation you deserve.